WASH - Matches
Showing 1-8 of 8 items.
According to a PIDS study, rising oil prices, supply chain issues, and climate change impacts on food production could keep inflation elevated until..
Infographics - Buzzword Board
Diarrhea continues to be a leading cause of illness and hospitalization nationwide despite the Philippines’ economic growth and ongoing development ..
Press Releases
A PIDS study highlights the need to improve services for vulnerable populations. Bridging these gaps through streamlined governance, effic..
Infographics - Buzzword Board
Over the years, the Philippines has made progress in improving water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. Despite this progress and sustained eco..
Discussion Papers
This study assesses the adequacy of school infrastructure in the Philippine basic education sector while benchmarking it against developmental targets..
Research Paper Series
Hello, PIDS friends! Here's our #PIDSFactFriday for the week on literacy.A PIDS policy note underscored the connection between literacy and ..
Infographics - Fact Friday
#PIDSInfoBits: Did you know that the proportion of Philippine schools with access to basic handwashing facilities has been increasing?
This is true f..
Infographics - InfoBits
This study assesses the adequacy of school infrastructure in the Philippine basic education sector and conducts benchmarking against developmental tar..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-8 of 8 items.