Media - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 50 items.
A recent study by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) highlights the significant shift from traditional to digital media, driven b..
Press Releases
Local government units (LGUs) are at the forefront of the Philippine government’s COVID-19 pandemic response. One of their crucial functions is ..
Research Paper Series
This study examines the size and distribution of the Philippine media sector, identifies the challenges to competition and growth, and explores the im..
Discussion Papers
Social media has become an increasingly important tool for gauging public sentiment, offering real-time insights that can guide policy decisions. This..
Discussion Papers
To familiarize everyone with key socioeconomic terms and concepts, we have this new social media series.
For this week, our buzzword is “misinf..
Infographics - Buzzword Board
The Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS) released its latest book, "Critical Issues in the Philippine Digital Economy", which offers val..
Press Releases
The Philippines has become one of the fastest-growing digital economies in Southeast Asia due to the emergence of information and communications techn..
To familiarize everyone with key socioeconomic terms and concepts, we have this new social media series.
For this week, our buzzword is..
Infographics - Buzzword Board
Local government units (LGUs) have played a major role in implementing the government’s pandemic response since 2020. An important component of ..
Policy Notes
The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar titled “Addressing Data Gaps with Innovative Data Sources” on F..
Kumusta, mga ka-PIDS! Narito ang #PIDSFactFriday ngayong linggo, ukol sa implementasyon ng crisis and risk communication ng lokal na pamahal..
Infographics - Fact Friday
With the advent of digital transformation, information and communications technology innovations have also led to a “data revolution” wher..
Discussion Papers
Local government units (LGUs) are at the forefront of the Philippine government’s COVID-19 pandemic response. One of their most important functi..
Discussion Papers
Hello, PIDS friends! Here's our #PIDSFactFriday for the week on the issues faced by creative and multimedia online workers
A PIDS study that explored..
Infographics - Fact Friday
This study reviews Philippine regulations governing digital platforms with cross-border operations and the impacts of these laws on the ability of pla..
Research Paper Series
Showing 1-15 of 50 items.