Renewable energy - Matches
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
The integration of the concept of environment, social, and governance (ESG) into trade and investment to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goa..
Discussion Papers
Given the frequent observation that the Philippine energy sector is complex, this study provides a structured review of issues in the sector. The stru..
Discussion Papers
There have been a “concomitant tightness in the supply in the power sector” and “an increased rate of outage of coal plants in Luzon..
Press Releases
The Philippines enacted two legislations to promote renewable energy (RE) deployment (i.e., Renewable Energy Act of 2008 and the Biofuels Act of 2006)..
Discussion Papers
(Speech delivered at the Thomas Lloyd Cleantech Congress 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany)
First of all, I congratulate the organizers of this year’s Th..
In the News
THE Philippines and other Asean members should continue and expand cooperation on off-grid and decentralized renewable energy systems in a bid to acce..
In the News
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.