David, Cristina C. - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 51 items.

There has been a growing recognition that large-scale gravity irrigation systems funded by public investments have performed poorly, and have not show..
Policy Notes

Irrigation has perennially accounted for the major expenditure outlay of the Philippine government in the agriculture sector. The performance of the n..
Policy Notes

This study proposes a set of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of agricultural policy, patterned after the support estimates of the Organizatio..
Discussion Papers

Promotion of hybrid rice has been the central goal of the government's rice production program since 2001. Yet, farmers' adoption rate has remained lo..
Research Paper Series

The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2004 the International Year of the Rice (IYR). The IYR is a venue to promote improved production and ..
Development Research News

Water plays an essential part in every economic activity and this is the major reason for competition in water usage as well as the basis for the gove..
Development Research News

This paper describes the methodologies adopted and the results obtained in assessing the groundwater resources of Metro Manila and Metro
Cebu. Also s..
Discussion Papers

Early studies on the groundwater supply of Metro Manila have indicated inefficient resource use that could lead to the eventual decline in the
Discussion Papers

There are good reasons to believe that provision of water for the poor and poor communities can be a potent tool for poverty alleviation. As such, the..
Policy Notes

Assessment of Medium-Term National Action Agenda for Productivity (MNAAP) for the Agriculture Sector
To attain productivity growth it is necessary to have proper diagnosis and analysis of the sources and causes of low or stagnant agricultural producti..
Discussion Papers

In the Philippines, the Public-Private-Community Partnerships (PPCPs) are serving the poor with water through public faucets, group taps, bulk water, ..
Discussion Papers

This paper develops key performance indicators of public expenditure allocation for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Medium-Term Ph..
Discussion Papers

Although MWSS has the responsibility for providing urban water and sewerage services in Metro Manila, actual service coverage has been low particularl..
Discussion Papers

Water is a critical commodity for human survival and a scarce resource that must be appropriately priced to ensure that it is not wastefully and unsui..
Policy Notes

Environmentalists and economists alike have assumed that greater economic openness will lead to increased industrial pollution in developing countries..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-15 of 51 items.