PIDS President Gilberto Llanto met with delegates of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) who are conducting the Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) Pilot Study in the Philippines. The interview, which was held at the PIDS Office in Quezon City last January 23, was conducted Ms. Raundi Halvorson-Quevedo and Mr. Guillaume Delalande, senior advisor and policy analyst of the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate, respectively. 

TOSSD will measure external finance"resources provided from beyond the borders of the countries receiving it. It will cover all officially-supported resource flows regardless of financial instrument used or level of concessionality, or whether they are delivered through bilateral or multilateral channels. 

The main objective of the pilot study is to scope the parameters of TOSSD in terms of (1) identifying its potential to meet the needs of the Philippines, particularly in terms of transparency of external financing and strategic planning, and (2) identifying adjustments to its statistical features, both in terms of the nature of the activities and instruments to be included in the framework. TOSSD will establish a shared international statistical framework for monitoring and connecting up of resources supporting the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
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