Philippine manufacturing - Matches
Showing 1-12 of 12 items.

This issue of the Development Research News (DRN) looks at the prospects, opportunities, and challenges facing the Philippines in the advent of the Fo..
Development Research News

The experience of the Philippines shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) spillover effects are not automatically generated. Opening up the economy..
Philippine Journal of Development

In drawing up the negotiating stance of the Philippines in light of the Philippines-European Union (PH-EU) free trade agreement (FTA), it is important..
Discussion Papers

SEVENTEEN industries have been identified for industrial upgrading and transformation based on the Philippine Manufacturing Industry Roadmap (PMIR). T..
In the News

This third issue of the PIDS Economic Policy Monitor (EPM) focuses on regional economic integration and inclusive growth. With the approaching ASEAN E..
Economic Policy Monitor

The paper aims to review our trade liberalization policy and its contribution to the country`s industrial growth and performance. After more than twen..
Discussion Papers

The paper aims to examine how trade liberalization affects wage premium at the firm level. Using effective protection rate as trade proxy, the paper a..
Discussion Papers

For the past two decades, the Philippine manufacturing sector has failed to generate sustained growth and employment for the economy. This can be attr..
Policy Notes

As the Philippines continues to promote foreign investment and plays host to multinational corporation (MNC) affiliates, are there any significant pos..
Policy Notes

Firm entry and exit play a crucial role in spurring a reallocation of resources across firms as tariffs are reduced. In the light of the substantial t..
Discussion Papers

What is the impact of the removal of barriers to trade on the firms` innovative activities? Does the increase in competition arising from trade reform..
Discussion Papers

The recent trade and productivity literature shows that trade liberalization can lead to productivity gains through increased competition and exit of ..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-12 of 12 items.