Risk - Matches
Showing 106-120 of 129 items.
Monday`s 6.9 magnitude earthquake in Negros Island as well as the recent floods in Mindanao and Central Luzon showed the importance of preparedness in..
Press Releases
Manila The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) launched its 2013 theme study Building Resilience to Natural Disasters and..
Press Releases
This study attempts to measure subsidies to agricultural credit in recent years and provides policy implications. It finds that credit policy has evol..
Discussion Papers
The frequency of intense floods and storms is increasing globally, particularly in Asia-Pacific, amid the specter of climate change. Associated with t..
Discussion Papers
The Philippines` geographical location makes it a disaster-prone country. In the Southeast Asian region, it ranks the highest in terms of the multiple..
Policy Notes
This report presents the findings of the research conducted by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) on leading noncommunicable dise..
Discussion Papers
The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers (RA 7305) was enacted to ensure that health workers are properly compensated, thereby helping to promote bett..
Policy Notes
The Philippines has used the Build-operate-transfer (BOT) Law as amended to motivate private sector provision of infrastructure. After a brief period ..
A recent publication of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has
highlighted the food insecurity problem facing the globe: food production..
Discussion Papers
In the face of seasonal climate variability, the smallholder farmers, particularly those in rural communities, are among the most adversely affected. ..
Philippine Journal of Development
The climate of the Philippines is highly influenced by the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). El Nino is associated with an increased chance of drie..
Philippine Journal of Development
The papers in this special issue come from the project "Bridging the gap between seasonal climate forecasts (SCFs) and agricultural decisionmakers in ..
Philippine Journal of Development
In the face of seasonal climate variability, the smallholder farmers, particularly those in rural communities, are among the most adversely affected. ..
Discussion Papers
The Philippines has used the BOT law, as amended to motivate private sector provision of infrastructure. Using examples from selected BOT projects in ..
Discussion Papers
When poor households face catastrophic events, they do not have any means for risk protection. Access to formal risk protection schemes such as insura..
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 106-120 of 129 items.