Trade in services - Matches
Showing 16-21 of 21 items.
The past two decades have seen the growing financial liberalization and integration of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the wo..
The United States is the top trading partner of the Philippines and also the top destination of highly skilled and professional Filipino workers. This..
Development Research News
The paper is an industry study of the audiovisual services sector, specially the film and television industry in the Philippines. It discusses the imp..
Discussion Papers
The paper provides a background for services trade negotiations with Japan. It summarizes various discussions on international trade in services, the ..
Discussion Papers
This article investigates the determinants of Philippine trade in commercial services, and makes an attempt to explain the historical trends and movem..
Philippine Journal of Development
Historically, the economic relations between the Philippines and Japan have been shaped by factors leading to the movements of goods, capital and peop..
Discussion Papers
Showing 16-21 of 21 items.