APEC - Matches
Showing 91-105 of 114 items.
This paper develops a modality of liberalization for APEC, based on a sectoral level, as an alternative to the politically sensitive Free Trade Area o..
Discussion Papers
This paper looks at the emerging issues and problems in promoting competition policy and coordinating its implementation under regional arrangements, ..
Discussion Papers
APEC’s vision of integrating the APEC has remained, for the most part, intangible. Cultural differences, socioeconomic disparity, and lack o..
Discussion Papers
Food policy analysts and government policymakers have different views on food security. Those who decide for agriculture in less developed countries e..
The past two decades have seen the growing financial liberalization and integration of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the wo..
This book is a compilation of four studies funded by the Philippine APEC Study Center Network (PASCN) under its Thesis and Dissertation Assistance Pro..
Established in 1989 as an informal group in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies, the Asia-Pacific Economic Coope..
The paper examines the policies pursued by the Philippines in response to the increasing economic integration and interdependence of nations and regio..
Discussion Papers
The article focuses on the 1997 APEC held in Vancouver. It talks about the importance of the integration of finance into the three mutually supportiv..
Development Research News
The article talks about the inclusion of community-building programs by the APEC member-economies in its agenda. It briefly discusses the trade and in..
Development Research News
This article talks about the nature and prospects of the Asia-Europe Meeting and how it may help Europe in addressing its own dilemma and consequently..
Development Research News
Part One of the Osaka Action Agenda has clarified the implications of the basic political commitment to free and open trade and investment in the Bogo..
Philippine Journal of Development
This paper identifies some of the key issues confronting the Asia-Pacific member-economies that arise from the discussions in the APEC forum. A brief ..
Philippine Journal of Development
As APEC provides venue for exploiting trade and investment gains in an integrated market, it allows the U.S. to strengthen its ties with the world’s..
Philippine Journal of Development
Until there is a substantial degree of consensus over the strategic issues and a greater body of work on the issues of liberalization, trade liberaliz..
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 91-105 of 114 items.