ASEAN - Matches
Showing 226-240 of 262 items.

The world-trading environment has witnessed the proliferation of regional trading arrangements during the last decade. This development has been accom..
Philippine Journal of Development

The paper examines the policies pursued by the Philippines in response to the increasing economic integration and interdependence of nations and regio..
Discussion Papers

Years of government protection, regulation and promotion through high tariffs, local content scheme and import restrictions have made the Philippine a..
Policy Notes

The downward trend in Asian tariff rates can be attributed to several factors, the most important of which are the general agreement in multilateral a..
Policy Notes

Contrary to earlier findings, tariffs in most favored nations have significantly declined by as much as 51 percent since 1986. Nevertheless, the obdur..
Discussion Papers

Contrary to earlier findings, tariffs in most favored nations have significantly declined by as much as 51 percent since 1986. Nevertheless, the obdur..
Philippine Journal of Development

Using the principle of subsidiary and the general rule of optimal intervention, this paper reviews the current discussion in the WTO on resolving the ..
Discussion Papers

DRN’s eye-opener presents a positive economic outlook for 1995-1996 but with a “let’s hold off the rejoicing for now” tone. This article cites..
Development Research News

In the light of economic integration, cooperation and global competitiveness, people empowerment becomes an inevitable goal. This is most espec..
Development Research News

This article briefly discusses the developments on the newly formed GATT-WTO. How the Philippines can take advantage of the trade opportunities..
Development Research News

The era of protectionism is gone. This is the message that the author wants to get across the readers. It is high time that Filipino businessme..
Development Research News

Dr. Josef Yap heralds the good signs in 1993 not just in Asia but in the Philippines as well. However, optimism should be tempered with caution..
Development Research News

This article presented the forecasts for the Philippines' neighbors by two PIDS researcher who are also members of the ASEAN Secretariat's ASEAN Macro..
Development Research News
Showing 226-240 of 262 items.