Development - Matches
Showing 571-585 of 603 items.
The relevance of Science and Technology in our economy cannot be disputed. It has greatly contributed in a number of significant accomplishmen..
Development Research News
This article summarizes the articles that have been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at UP Los Baños on Aug..
Philippine Journal of Development
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. Utilizing..
Philippine Journal of Development
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. Estimatio..
Philippine Journal of Development
The theory and practice of econometrics is concerned with the problem of measurement in economics. As a form of sophisticated abstraction, econ..
Development Research News
The development of indicators for measuring the progress and impact of development projects is best couched in a project-specific or microanalysis fr..
Development Research News
Inflation, in recent years, has become a concern not only of national policymakers but also of individual households. The unprecedented rise in the p..
Monograph Series
Focusing on Philippine export and import performance during the critical years of 1974-1982, this study presents the preliminary results of a d..
Staff Papers
This paper aims to trace the factors that have contributed to the instability of the country’s export earnings and the observed deterioration..
Staff Papers
Studies on food consumption by socioeconomic groups and by rural-urban areas have been relatively few. Even scarcer are studies on household fu..
Staff Papers
This article is a product of a nine-month training and application program implemented by the micro component of the Economic and Social Impact Analys..
Philippine Journal of Development
This article is a product of a nine-month training and application program implemented by the micro component of the Economic and Social Impact Analys..
Philippine Journal of Development
A major task in the economic evaluation of projects is the valuation of goods and resources used and produced. If markets function efficiently ..
Staff Papers
Most primary products are practically nontraded, usually due to very high transport costs, bulk and perishability. These commodities possess n..
Staff Papers
Showing 571-585 of 603 items.