Free Trade Agreements - Matches
Showing 46-59 of 59 items.

The United States of America is the top trading partner of the Philippines and also the top destination of highly skilled and professional Filipino wo..
Discussion Papers

The paper discusses the state of the Philippine garments industry, with specific focus on its competitiveness and logistics infrastructure, and how th..
Discussion Papers

The participation of the Philippines in the global production network of multinational electronic companies has undoubtedly shaped the pattern and str..
Discussion Papers

This paper was designed to provide a policy guide in the formulation of the country’s position for RP-US FTA negotiations. After sieving through the..
Discussion Papers

Intellectual property rights-–copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and related rights-–have become increasingly important with the adve..
Discussion Papers

With the recent proliferation of regional and bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) not only involving East Asian countries but others around the wor..
Policy Notes

As trade consultations between the Philippines and the US continue, in the hope of cementing a possible free trade agreement (FTA), questions are stil..
Development Research News

In 1995, the Uruguay Round under the World Trade Organization (WTO) came into effect. Corollarily, the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing was signed w..
Development Research News

The United States is the top trading partner of the Philippines and also the top destination of highly skilled and professional Filipino workers. This..
Development Research News

What are the latest developments affecting the Philippines' involvement in free trade agreements (FTAs)? What is the Philippine FTA policy? And what p..
Policy Notes

Through a free trade agreement (FTA), the Philippines, like other less developed countries, hopes to achieve greater access to the US market. For the ..
Development Research News

This article examines the politico-strategic motivations of the Bush Administration’s efforts to foster free trade agreements (FTAs) to a number of ..
Development Research News

The formation of free trade agreements (FTAs), both regional and bilateral, has been a worldwide trend in recent decades. With the failure of the two ..
Policy Notes

The services sector, as shown in this article, is outpacing traditional industries, specifically in developing countries. With a possibility of forgin..
Development Research News
Showing 46-59 of 59 items.