LGUs - Matches
Showing 16-30 of 37 items.

The internal revenue allotment or IRA is one type of central government transfers to local government units (LGUs) meant to help in correcting for the..
Policy Notes

Food policy analysts and government policymakers have different views on food security. Those who decide for agriculture in less developed countries e..

The following are offered as guiding principles in the involvement of LGUs in water resources management.
• For LGUs to adopt an integrated, holist..
Discussion Papers

Can LGUs succeed in managing their own population? They probably can, but they need strong national leadership in doing so. This Policy Notes asserts ..
Policy Notes

Managing Urbanization Under a Decentralized Governance Framework (Volume 1) is the first of two volumes on urban management. It documents the urbaniza..

This study evaluates the absorptive capacity of a government agency for domestic and external funds. It takes the case of the Department of Public Wor..
Discussion Papers

With local government and metropolitan issues like traffic management and water disposal occupying more and more print space in the daily newsp..
Development Research News

The article discusses the importance of institutionalizing inter-LGU cooperation toward a better system of health care delivery in the country. Inste..
Development Research News

The passage of the local Government Code of 1991 has heralded a new era in local government credit financing. The Code has liberalized the credit pol..

From the provision of the Local Government Code, various LGUs have provided the housing requirements of the less-privileged sectors. This paper presen..
Discussion Papers

The devolution of functions and responsibilities to LGUs has translated to the expectations of an improved delivery of public goods and services. Howe..
Discussion Papers

This paper presents a new vision and the proposed policy framework for financing local government’s basic services and development projects. This vi..
Policy Notes

This paper reviews the changing legal framework that governs the local taxation. This also examines the trends and patterns of local government income..
Discussion Papers

This article presents an analysis of the fiscal performance of LGUs which shows that much is yet to be done to fulfill the Code’s potential. ..
Development Research News

The 1991 Local Government has initiated comprehensive changes in Philippine public administration such as decentralization and greater local autonomy...
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 16-30 of 37 items.