New Globalization - Matches
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PIDS Book 2020-01: Navigating the New Globalization: Local Actions for Global Challenges
by Philippine Institute for Development ..
PIDS Updates

The New Globalization has reached the Philippine shores. To assist the country in crafting relevant policies on this phenomenon, the fifth Annual Publ..

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Philippines need to undergo digital transformation to harness the benefits of technological developments un..
Press Releases

Labor market education is important to future-proof the next generation of Filipino workers.Undersecretary for Workers Protection, Human Resource, and..
Press Releases

This issue of the Economic Policy Monitor (EPM) focuses on the diverse challenges brought by the New Globalization or Globalization 4.0, a period char..
Economic Policy Monitor

Keeping up with the demands of the New Globalization involves ensuring that Filipinos are equipped with the necessary skills as early as possible.In a..
Press Releases

“The world is wealthier than before, but it is not necessarily healthier.”This was how Susan Pineda-Mercado, special envoy of the presiden..
Press Releases

The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), a subregional economic cooperation in Southeast Asia, can hel..
Press Releases

As with achieving the country’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets, local government units play a major role in responding to the challe..
Press Releases

Hello PIDS friends! This week's #PIDSFactFriday is on multilateral trading systems.Know more about multilateral trading systems and other fe..
Infographics - Fact Friday

Global Public Goods (GPGs) are goods whose benefits transcend countries, people, and generations. Examples of GPGs are peace and security, global heal..
Infographics - Fact Friday

“The Philippines must be prepared to newness not only in globalization but also in everything.” This, Senator Aquilino “Koko&rd..
Press Releases

Local farmers in Mindanao need to adopt new technologies in agriculture, particularly in rice farming, to increase productivity.This is according to S..
Press Releases

While new technologies have enhanced connectivity, increased productivity, and benefited trade, they have also exacerbated income inequality within an..
Infographics - Fact Friday

As the world enters the fourth phase of globalization—described by experts as full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, or in ..
Press Releases
Showing 1-15 of 34 items.