New Industrial Policy - Matches
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.

With the maturity of the IT-BPM sector, the manufacturing sector now emerges as the next in line. With its inspiring growth performance, the country i..
In the News

The government’s shift to a new industrial policy has contributed to the continuous economic growth of the country, according to a study publish..
In the News

TO sustain its fast-paced economic growth this year, the government must throw in efforts to improve the country’s productivity that had seen st..
In the News

The Philippines demonstrated significant economic growth—and is still gaining momentum—in recent years. This was after being tagged as the ‘sick..
Discussion Papers

The government needs an inclusive growth model to transform the industrial sector into a key player in generating investment, employment, and innovati..
Press Releases
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.