PIDS - Matches
Showing 46-60 of 70 items.

The inclusive growth mantra has to be further asserted in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), said Dr. Cielito Habito, former Director-General of the ..
Press Releases

Philippine Institute for Development Studies signed a memorandum of understanding with the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) for research c..
In the News

The Philippine Institute for Development Studies was named as the top think tank in Southeast Asia and one of the best in the world by the Think Tanks..
In the News

Two research institutes in the Philippines are among the top 20 think tanks in Asia and Pacific, according to the Think Tanks and Civil Society Progra..
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Three Philippines-based think tanks were deemed as among the region’s best according to the 2013 Global Go Think Tank Report released by the Think T..
In the News

State-run Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) ranked as the top think tank in Southeast Asia and remains one of the best in the world,..
In the News

State think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) signed a memorandum of agreement with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) for..
Press Releases

Through research and analyses, state think-tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will open its 23rd PIDS Corner at Palawan State Un..
In the News

For years, the agricultural sector has been the unheralded hero of the economy, often operating under the radar compared to the more celebrated servic..
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Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago’s call for a veto of the budget allocation for the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority or Ceza ("Santiago hits P800-M Ceza..
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The year 2013 had been a busy year for the energy sector as it had to deal with the perennial problem of tight energy supply. Energy Secretary Carlos ..
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A few gaps and challenges still hamper logistics and trade facilitation in the Philippines, and removing them, while necessary, will also be difficult..
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The focus of the Bureau of Customs should be on trade facilitation and the modernization of customs administration, instead of its revenue collection ..
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A few gaps and challenges still hamper logistics and trade facilitation in the Philippines, and removing them, while necessary, will also be difficult..
In the News

THREE weeks ago, I provided examples that the preparations for Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) integration were really happing. In the ..
In the News
Showing 46-60 of 70 items.