Philippine - Matches
Showing 151-165 of 1,448 items.
Source of data: Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)To download the time-series data on Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Please click thisTable
Database Updates
This issue of the Philippine Journal of Development contains articles on the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB), the Philippine water sector, local water d..
Philippine Journal of Development
While local governments’ efforts to align their plans with the country’s national development goals are seen to be effective, these need t..
Press Releases
Implementing results matrices in local government units is key to measuring their contributions in achieving the Philippine Development Plan (PDP..
Press Releases
Source of data: Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)To download the time-series data on Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Please click thisTable
Database Updates
Several studies have shown that increasing internet penetration can improve economic growth and income levels. However, in the Philippines, the digita..
Policy Notes
The results matrices (RMs) being used to monitor the contributions of local government units (LGUs) in achieving the Philippine Development Plan ..
Press Releases
Source of data: Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)To download the time-series data on Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Please click thisTable
Database Updates
The sustainable goal to provide inclusive and equitable quality education for all has been ascribed in the policy declarations of the Philippine Const..
Policy Notes
Source of data: Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)To download the time-series data on Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Please click thisTable
Database Updates
The Philippines, a country prone to natural calamities and vulnerable to economic fluctuations, has much to accomplish in improving workers’ access ..
Research Paper Series
Social norms and structures are vital factors that shape people’s behavior and attitudes. It is, therefore, useful to analyze such underlying forces..
Discussion Papers
Source of data: Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)To download the time-series data on Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Please click thisTable
Database Updates
Source of data: Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)To download the time-series data on Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Please click thisTable
Database Updates
In the Philippines, the services sector accounts for 60 percent of gross domestic product and almost 57 percent of employment. Across regions and subs..
Research Paper Series
Showing 151-165 of 1,448 items.