Commercial banks - Matches
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.
Has foreign entry indeed made domestic banks more efficient?
Unite's and Sullivan's study, based on a sample of 16 expanded commercial banks (ECBs) an..
Policy Notes
Regardless of the growth and rehabilitation of several financial institutions in the last decade, a large number of borrowers have not yet been served..
Discussion Papers
This paper attempts to shed light on the major Off-Balance Sheet activities of commercial banks in the Philippines. Due to data limitations, the paper..
Working Papers
Recognition of a continuous improvement in the formal financial system is necessary for economic growth. Over the years, the government has been infus..
Philippine Journal of Development
Exactly what constitutes bank input and output has not yet been settled. Some argue that deposit liabilities and earning assets are outputs as they re..
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.