Decentralization - Matches
Showing 61-75 of 77 items.

Public agricultural extension systems face increasing pressure resulting from diverse demands for services coupled with problems in declining funds. T..
Discussion Papers

Fifteen years into the implementation of the Local Government Code of 1991, now is an opportune time to assess how this landmark legislation has contr..
Philippine Journal of Development

This paper looks at the different paradigms of decentralization for drinking water supply in the Philippines and its effectiveness in poverty alleviat..
Discussion Papers

A major theoretical as well as political approach to transport infrastructure investment and management is the idea that such services are public good..
Philippine Journal of Development

Twelve years into the implementation of the Local Government Code of 1991, it is but opportune to assess how the key features of this landmark legisla..
Discussion Papers

The primary objective for the conduct of the assessment of the social sector is to provide the basis for setting the thematic priorities for the Phili..
Discussion Papers

Regional development policy and practice took significant transformations over the last five decades. Its relevance has been challenged in recent year..
Discussion Papers

This paper is an assessment of the constraints and opportunities for capturing the gains from the devolution of environmental and natural resource (EN..
Philippine Journal of Development

Decentralization of national responsibilities to local government units has been seen as a means to ensure that services reach out the grassroots leve..
Policy Notes

With local government and metropolitan issues like traffic management and water disposal occupying more and more print space in the daily newsp..
Development Research News

Via regression analysis, this study is able to establish factors that impinge on per capita social sector expenditures. In addition, 32 out of the 62 ..
Discussion Papers

This article presents an analysis of the fiscal performance of LGUs which shows that much is yet to be done to fulfill the Code’s potential. ..
Development Research News

The 1991 Local Government has initiated comprehensive changes in Philippine public administration such as decentralization and greater local autonomy...
Philippine Journal of Development

This volume provides a comprehensive view of regional development in the Philippines. It includes a review of the attempts to promote balanced region..

In a thought-provoking study, Dr. Manasan analyzes how some of the provisions affect the financial position of Local Government Units. Simulat..
Development Research News
Showing 61-75 of 77 items.