Disability - Matches
Showing 16-20 of 20 items.
In urban Philippines, the percentage of persons with disability (PWDs) participating in various government and nongovernment programs is low. In fact,..
Discussion Papers
Agriculture remains a primary source of income for our ruralfolks, and farming remains to be a major means of livelihood. In this issue of the DRN, PI..
Development Research News
How comprehensive and accurate is our knowledge and understanding of one vulnerable sector in our society--the people with disability? How can the gov..
Policy Notes
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) recognize the need to understand the link between disability and poverty. In fact this has become one of the k..
Discussion Papers
TO encourage more companies to hire persons with disabilities (PWDs), more incentives aside from tax breaks and a simpler process for claiming them mi..
In the News
Showing 16-20 of 20 items.