Family - Matches
Showing 31-43 of 43 items.
This paper describes the Philippine demographic situation with a focus on the findings from the 1990 Census and the recent intercensal period (1980-19..
Philippine Journal of Development
Fishing should be an employment of last resort. This article argues why through analysis of water quality and fisheries in conjunction to the role of ..
Philippine Journal of Development
From the first part of this paper, results from critical appraisal and description of economic impacts on health policy show that there is a limited e..
Discussion Papers
There are a number of issues regarding women’s health, women’s reproductive behavior, fertility impact of reproductive health programs and the eff..
Philippine Journal of Development
From a theoretical standpoint, the question has to be asked whether or not the census should retain its present definition of urban areas. There is a ..
Philippine Journal of Development
This paper reviews the major policy initiatives of the Aquino Administration in the area of populating, health and education. In each of these areas, ..
Working Papers
This paper is based largely on the integrated summary report entitled “Population Pressure and Migration: Implications for Upland Development,&r..
Philippine Journal of Development
As the thrust of the study is upland development with greater sensitivity to the underlying causes of change, this examines in detail the extent of po..
Working Papers
As the focus of research has been slowly geared towards development, this DRN issue deals with population and its role on economic growth and p..
Development Research News
The six papers in this volume (the second in the series) represent the continuing efforts of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies to highl..
This volume summarizes the objectives, major findings and policy recommendations of the completed PIDS research projects. By disseminating information..
The content of this research paper has never been more timely since it comes at a time when concern has been expressed in the Philippines for a full i..
Working Papers
Showing 31-43 of 43 items.