Health sector - Matches
Showing 16-30 of 74 items.

The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers (RA 7305) was enacted to ensure that health workers are properly compensated, thereby helping to promote bett..
Policy Notes

The paper attempts to provide an overview of the hospital sector in the Philippines with particular emphasis on hospitals being managed by the DOH. Th..
Discussion Papers

How are government hospitals funded? What are the sources of their funds and how are these allocated to them? This Note takes a deeper look at this an..
Policy Notes

Health care service in the country is designed to be delivered under a referral network. Traditionally, an ordinary citizen would go to a clinic or ba..
Development Research News

For more than a decade now, the national health accounts (NHA) of the Philippines has been providing data that are important for health policymaking. ..
Philippine Journal of Development

Agencies tasked to carry out a social agenda have distinct experience in the utilization of available resources. The issues that confront the DOH in t..
Discussion Papers

Decentralization of national responsibilities to local government units has been seen as a means to ensure that services reach out the grassroots leve..
Policy Notes

Major changes in health care financing policies are being pursued and shall be implemented as part of the Department of Health’s overall effo..
Development Research News

This paper is one of eight case studies in the health sector conducted under the project “Population and Urbanization: Managing the Urbanization Pro..
Discussion Papers

In the light of increased demand for basic services and sanitation facilities due to urbanization, devolution facilitates the smooth and fast delivery..
Discussion Papers

This paper is one of eight case studies in the health sector conducted under the project “Population and Urbanization: Managing the Urbanization Pro..
Discussion Papers

This paper is one of eight case studies in the health sector conducted under the project “Population and Urbanization: Managing the Urbanization Pro..
Discussion Papers

This paper estimates a discrete choice model of outpatient care using data drawn from a household survey covering 4 regions and 7 provinces involving ..
Discussion Papers

DRN’s special issue focuses on the highlights of the roundtable discussion sponsored by the Department of Health, Cebu and PIDS. Discussions put for..
Development Research News

Being an HMO cardholder is one of the necessities that workers can’t do without. Nowadays, there are a number of schemes created to help Fili..
Development Research News
Showing 16-30 of 74 items.