Health service delivery - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 27 items.

This paper measures Philippine hospitals’ management practices and service capability based on their structural inputs. The authors collected a ..
Philippine Journal of Development

This year’s first issue of the Philippine Journal of Development features articles on healthcare quality in hospitals, health financing, social ..
Philippine Journal of Development

For about a year now, I have ended almost every talk and economic briefing I’ve given by sounding the alarm on the silent crisis facing our coun..
In the News

One in every two children under five years of age suffers from stunting, or weighs low for their age, a study by state think tank Philippine Institute..
In the News

Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) consultant Alejandro Herrin on Thursday proposed the use of the conditional cash transfer program ..
In the News

According to the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, childhood stunting affects one-third of under-five Filipino children annually. Unfortunately, ..
Policy Notes

HEALTH CARE in the country’s public hospitals is “compromised” by the maintenance of their assets, according to a policy note by the..
In the News

Budgeting practices for the procurement of healthcare equipment are contributing to the deficiencies in equipment and deterioration of services in gov..
In the News

This Policy Note analyzes government hospitals' capital outlay, specifically the budget for equipment used directly in health-care service delivery. I..
Policy Notes

In 2015, based on the latest survey of the Food Nutrition Research Institute, childhood stunting affected one-third (33%) of children under five years..
Discussion Papers

The Aquino Health Agenda of 2010 articulates succinctly the Philippine health sector's aim for universal health coverage. The agenda has three thrusts..
Philippine Journal of Development

The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers (RA 7305) was enacted to ensure that health workers are properly compensated, thereby helping to promote bett..
Policy Notes

Health care service in the country is designed to be delivered under a referral network. Traditionally, an ordinary citizen would go to a clinic or ba..
Development Research News

This paper attempts to illustrate the quality of prenatal care services provided by different health care providers. Section I presents the introducti..
Discussion Papers

The paper attempts to provide an overview of the hospital sector in the Philippines with particular emphasis on hospitals being managed by the DOH. Th..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-15 of 27 items.