Metropolitan planning and development - Matches
Showing 1-11 of 11 items.

Cagayan de Oro City (CDO), being the regional capital of Northern Mindanao and being linked with various port cities, extends its socioeconomic and po..
Discussion Papers

Iloilo City is one of the oldest cities in the Philippines. It is faced with a burgeoning population and surging slum dwellers, the easiest solution o..
Discussion Papers

BLIST, which stands for Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan and Tuba, is a planning area for the Cordillera Administrative Region. It has been identi..
Discussion Papers

Associated with the country’s drive to become more modern and competitive global economy is the emergence of metropolises, which is defined in theor..
Discussion Papers

The enactment of 1991 Local Government Code has brought greater responsibilities for local government units to manage their natural resources and the ..
Discussion Papers

Angotti has suggested a rule of thumb in defining a metropolis or distinguishing it from a city. While city refers to medium-sized settlements between..
Discussion Papers

The enactment of 1991 Local Government Code has brought greater responsibilities for local government units to manage their natural resources and the ..
Policy Notes

The formation of metropolitan arrangements has recently become the trend. As these are still in the early stage of developing their identity, this not..
Policy Notes

The enactment of the 1991 Local Government Code has brought greater responsibilities for local government units to manage their natural resources and ..
Philippine Journal of Development

While industrialization brings with it the promise of development, it also carries the threat of serious environmental problems, which unfortunately h..
Discussion Papers

Associated with industrialization is the aggravation of environmental problems. This issue looks into Metro Cebu manufacturing data to investigate ind..
Policy Notes
Showing 1-11 of 11 items.