Services trade - Matches
Showing 16-21 of 21 items.

The paper looks at the role of services in the economy and discusses why competitive services are necessary for achieving inclusive growth. An overvie..
Discussion Papers

Services has taken over the role of agriculture as the Philippine economy's engine of growth. Not only does it contribute significantly to GDP, it als..

The United States of America is the top trading partner of the Philippines and also the top destination of highly skilled and professional Filipino wo..
Discussion Papers

As a result of changing conditions in the world market and increasing global competition, trade and integration arrangements have become a part of eco..
Discussion Papers

This study looked at the sustainability of the growth and development of business process outsourcing (BPO) in the Philippines. It was prompted by the..
Discussion Papers

As trade consultations between the Philippines and the US continue, in the hope of cementing a possible free trade agreement (FTA), questions are stil..
Development Research News
Showing 16-21 of 21 items.