Tariff - Matches
Showing 91-105 of 146 items.

The Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme represents the main mechanism to remove barriers to intra-ASEAN trade. Its adoption will entail..
Discussion Papers

Recently, one of the most highly controversial reforms implemented in the Philippines is the trade reform program. It includes tarrification of quanti..
Discussion Papers

A big challenge on WTO member countries is their compliance to the provisions of trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) ..
Development Research News

The government has estimated big amount of money for building new housing units and renovation/upgrading of old housing units for the 1993-1998. The r..
Discussion Papers

This paper estimates a discrete choice model of outpatient care using data drawn from a household survey covering 4 regions and 7 provinces involving ..
Discussion Papers

Contrary to usual expectations, it can be shown that the aggregate output can increase from the imposition of a uniform tariff rate and that the 5% un..
Discussion Papers

The downward trend in Asian tariff rates can be attributed to several factors, the most important of which are the general agreement in multilateral a..
Policy Notes

Given that the 5% uniform tariff rate by 2004 will be implemented, this study lends support to the substantial benefits to be reaped from it in the fo..
Discussion Papers

From a preferential tariff rate, ASEAN has decided to move to a free trade area by the first decade of the 21st century and the creation of an ASEAN e..
Discussion Papers

This paper provides a closer examination on the impact of the Common Effective Preferential Tariffs (CEPT) scheme on manufacturing industry by assessi..
Discussion Papers

Contrary to earlier findings, tariffs in most favored nations have significantly declined by as much as 51 percent since 1986. Nevertheless, the obdur..
Discussion Papers

Despite commitments to the WTO and the AFTA, many agricultural commodities continue to enjoy protection in the form of tariffs and quotas. Still, the ..
Discussion Papers

Assessment of trade reforms in the 1990s suggests achievement of considerable progress in tariff simplification and improvement in international compe..
Discussion Papers

Under the Common Effective Preferential Tariffs (CEPT) scheme of the ASEAN free trade, tariffs on ASEAN products will be progressively reduced to 0-5 ..
Discussion Papers

Contrary to earlier findings, tariffs in most favored nations have significantly declined by as much as 51 percent since 1986. Nevertheless, the obdur..
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 91-105 of 146 items.