Tariff - Matches
Showing 106-120 of 146 items.

How will the Philippine economy on a macro scale be affected if tariffs are reduced? Results indicate an unambiguous decline in investments due..
Development Research News

As part of the DRN’s effort in providing information on tariffs, this article has been presented during a Pulong Saliksikan and is a conden..
Development Research News

While adjustment policies are necessary to realign the economy in the right track, it entails a number of adverse impacts, especially on the poor and ..
Discussion Papers

Using the principle of subsidiary and the general rule of optimal intervention, this paper reviews the current discussion in the WTO on resolving the ..
Discussion Papers

Philippine agriculture has performed poorly despite its performance being relatively better than other Asian countries. This paper argues that misguid..
Discussion Papers

Despite implementation of structural adjustment programs, the agriculture sector has been continuously exhibiting a dismal performance. This paper ana..
Discussion Papers

Under the Common Effective Preferential Tariffs (CEPT) scheme of the ASEAN free trade, tariffs on ASEAN products will be progressively reduced to 0-5 ..
Philippine Journal of Development

In the light of economic integration, cooperation and global competitiveness, people empowerment becomes an inevitable goal. This is most espec..
Development Research News

The Philippines is presented a unique opportunity to benefit from a comprehensive lowering of international trade barriers. However, the issue ..
Development Research News

The era of protectionism is gone. This is the message that the author wants to get across the readers. It is high time that Filipino businessme..
Development Research News

This paper reviews the general structure of the following general computable general equilibrium (CGE): the APEX model, Habito’s second version of t..
Discussion Papers

GATT-UR provisions on agriculture have been most controversial. Its ratification depends on the establishment of adequate “safety nets” to..
Philippine Journal of Development

Opportunities knock only once, so the saying goes. The GATT has been on our doorstep for quite a long time. What do we do about it? The authors..
Development Research News
Showing 106-120 of 146 items.