Ballesteros, Marife M. - Matches
Showing 46-60 of 66 items.

This paper examines the cost of implementing redistributive land reform in the Philippines. Land redistribution has become the core feature of land re..
Discussion Papers

The enactment of two pro-poor housing legislations in the 1990s--the Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA) of 1992 and the Comprehensive Shelter Fi..
Policy Notes

Using data from 3,120 farm households surveyed in 2000 and 2006, the paper tests for factors that affect the degree and extent of households’ partic..
Discussion Papers

The objective of this paper is to present the land administration and management (LAM) issues on CARP and determine the necessary institutional reform..
Discussion Papers

Has Land Reform Improved on Landownership Inequality? Evidence from Philippine Rice-growing Villages
Has land ownership distribution in the Philippines improved as a result of the land reform program instituted in the country? Not quite, this Policy N..
Policy Notes

This paper examines the effect of land reform and land transfer actions of farmer beneficiaries on land ownership concentration. A case study of two r..
Discussion Papers

Why have housing reforms failed to achieve the desired improvements in housing in the Philippines? A review of trends in government housing strategies..

For a family, homeownership is a very important resource given the economic, psychological and social benefits it offers. But not all people have the ..
Development Research News

In recent years, a number of lending instruments have been introduced and tried out in the area of housing finance. In the Philippines, a group lendin..
Policy Notes

The objective of this paper is to examine the rental housing market in the Philippines and provide possible policy options for a viable rental scheme ..
Discussion Papers

"Land to tiller" has been the rallying slogan of the land reform program in the Philippines, with improvements in income and productivity in the agrar..
Policy Notes

This study examines benefits (and losses) from the rent control law in Metro Manila. The results show that net benefits from rent control are positive..
Research Paper Series

The paper discusses critical land issues in the Philippines and assesses the integration of those issues in the national development agenda and povert..
Discussion Papers

Why have housing reforms failed to achieve the desired improvements in housing in the Philippines? A review of trends in government housing strategies..
Discussion Papers

This paper examines the housing consumption pattern of Philippine households. Two basic issues are examined: one, how is housing demand associated wit..
Research Paper Series
Showing 46-60 of 66 items.