Briones, Roehlano M. - Matches
Showing 16-30 of 96 items.

After years of relative neglect, irrigation has again emerged as the single largest budgetary outlay in government-funded agricultural programs after ..

This paper aims to evaluate the country's agricultural modernization strategy under the lens of the market-driven approach. The early post-War period ..
Discussion Papers

This paper offers an overview toward assessing the implementation of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) or Republic Act 8435, the ..
Discussion Papers

Agriculture in the Philippines has receded in recent decades. This Policy Note traces the sector's weak growth to the slow expansion in the factors of..
Policy Notes

Passed in 2019, the Rice Tariffication Law (Republic Act [RA] 11203) aims to reduce the price of the country’s key staple. It also mandates an annua..
Policy Notes

Tariffication of quantitative restrictions on rice imports was a key policy reform of the Duterte administration. This study reviews recent trends in ..
Discussion Papers

Much progress has been made in pursuing liberalization of agricultural trade in the Philippines. However, some significant tariff and non-tariff barri..
Discussion Papers

This study is a preliminary assessment of the policy change brought by the Free Irrigation Service Act through an examination of secondary data and co..
Research Paper Series

This study aims to address a gap in existing data and literature regarding the socioeconomic profile of agricultural workers within rural households. ..
Discussion Papers

Irrigation development is a key policy to achieve food self-sufficiency in the country. In recent years, the funding for irrigation ballooned, account..
Policy Notes

The country's irrigation systems have had a long history of recovering maintenance cost from farmers. The Free Irrigation Service Act (FISA) of 2018 w..
Discussion Papers

The Rice Liberalization Act (RA 11203), signed last February 2019, reverses decades-long policy of placing quantitative restrictions on rice importati..
Discussion Papers

The world economy has undergone at least three waves of globalization; currently the fourth wave is on-going, sweeping away old certainties are being ..
Discussion Papers

This paper presents an application of a CGE model to analyze scenarios covering the SDG period at the level of the Philippine economy and for its agri..
Discussion Papers

This study conducts a systematic comparison for investments undertaken in 2008–2016. Across various assessment frames, the findings converge around ..
Discussion Papers
Showing 16-30 of 96 items.