Casas, Lyle Daryll D. - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 16 items.

In the past three decades, the prevalence of child wasting in the Philippines has generally fluctuated between 6% and 8%. As a result, the country fel..
Discussion Papers

Over the years, the Philippines has made progress in improving water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. Despite this progress and sustained eco..
Discussion Papers

This report presents a framework for categorizing nutrition expenditures of national government agencies. The framework was developed through extensiv..
Discussion Papers

In low-resource settings, obtaining accurate weight-for-height Z-scores can be challenging. This is due to factors such as the lack of equipment to me..
Discussion Papers

This report assesses the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) in the Philippines, aiming to support the Second Congressional Commission on Educ..
Discussion Papers

This year’s first issue of the Philippine Journal of Development features articles on healthcare quality in hospitals, health financing, social ..
Philippine Journal of Development

This paper measures Philippine hospitals’ management practices and service capability based on their structural inputs. The authors collected a ..
Philippine Journal of Development

This paper reviews the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation’s (PhilHealth) performance from 2015 to 2019 based on the three areas of health f..
Philippine Journal of Development

Written for the Second Congressional Commission on Education and based on existing research, this Policy Note investigates the connection between..
Policy Notes

About a third of Filipino children are stunted or chronically malnourished. However, there is a paucity of evidence on the socioeconomic inequalities ..
Discussion Papers

Health care providers such as hospitals and primary health care facilities form an integral part of any health system. Providers must have both financ..
Discussion Papers

In hospitals, nutrition care is a set of actions that allows for the identification of patient nutritional needs and the provision of care to address ..
Discussion Papers

In the Philippines, decisionmakers mostly rely on access indicators in measuring health system performance. However, as the country embarks on path-br..
Discussion Papers

As the Philippines adopts major reforms under the Universal Health Care Act and embarks on an integrated and primary healthcare-oriented system, it is..
Philippine Journal of Development

This paper has two objectives: (1) assess the health sector performance of the Philippines relative to other ASEAN member states and (2) assess region..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-15 of 16 items.