Navarro, Adoracion M. - Matches
Showing 16-30 of 47 items.

The recent calls for the revival of the Oil Price Stabilization Fund (OPSF) are tantamount to a call for a policy reversal, that is, reversal of the d..
Discussion Papers

This study assesses the adequacy of school infrastructure in the Philippine basic education sector and conducts benchmarking against developmental tar..
Discussion Papers

Despite the continuing threat of the COVID-19 virus mutating, the pandemic will eventually end given widespread vaccination and virus suppression poli..
Discussion Papers

This common country assessment update for the Philippines underpins the sustainable development partnership framework for the Philippines and the Unit..
Discussion Papers

This study examines procurement policy issues in light of recent concerns on delays in project implementation and underspending of government agencies..
Discussion Papers

One approach used by the Philippine government to support the Millennium Development Goals for water supply and sanitation is to provide grant financi..
Policy Notes

Road funds coming from the Motor Vehicle User's Charge (MVUC) are funds reserved for specific programs or projects. The MVUC is collected by the Land ..
Policy Notes

Road funds like the Motor Vehicle User's Charge (MVUC) Fund in the Philippines are a kind of earmarked funds. Though without shortcomings, earmarking ..
Discussion Papers

Past and present administrations have implemented water supply and sanitation (WSS) programs to increase the number of households with access to safe ..
Discussion Papers

This study evaluates the achievement of the desired outcomes of the competition policies contained in the Electric Power Industry Restructuring Act of..
Discussion Papers

The Philippines` recent economic performance has been remarkable amid the lingering slowdown in the global economy and the devastation brought about b..
Discussion Papers

Well-developed infrastructure systems and services are vital means of enhancing the connectivity of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member-ec..
Discussion Papers

Managing urban growth in countries requires that leaders plan ahead using national physical plans that, among others, safeguard land for utilities and..
Discussion Papers

The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint targets an ASEAN single market in 2015. This is an ambitious reform agenda that seeks to ensure the free ..
Philippine Journal of Development

As has been the tradition, the first issue for the year contains the Institute`s assessment of the country`s economic performance in 2013 and the pros..
Development Research News
Showing 16-30 of 47 items.