Nuevo, Christian Edward L. - Matches
Showing 1-7 of 7 items.

This year’s first issue of the Philippine Journal of Development features articles on healthcare quality in hospitals, health financing, social ..
Philippine Journal of Development

This paper measures Philippine hospitals’ management practices and service capability based on their structural inputs. The authors collected a ..
Philippine Journal of Development

This paper reviews the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation’s (PhilHealth) performance from 2015 to 2019 based on the three areas of health f..
Philippine Journal of Development

This study reviewed public expenditures on nutrition (Annual Investment Plans [AIPs] and Gender and Development [GAD)] budgets) and evaluated the impl..
Discussion Papers

Health care providers such as hospitals and primary health care facilities form an integral part of any health system. Providers must have both financ..
Discussion Papers

In the Philippines, decisionmakers mostly rely on access indicators in measuring health system performance. However, as the country embarks on path-br..
Discussion Papers

This study reviews literature on financing catastrophic health expenditures in selected countries to describe and synthesize the strategies of relativ..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-7 of 7 items.