Albert, Jose Ramon G. - Matches
Showing 91-104 of 104 items.

What are the factors that contribute to the nonparticipation of children in school? Who are the ones accountable to this complicating issue? This Note..
Policy Notes

Despite the various efforts to improve the Philippines` education system, why does this country still have low participation rates in education? What ..
Policy Notes

This paper presents a few of the latest statistics on income poverty, growth, and inequality, and makes a case about the need not only to monitor curr..
Discussion Papers

Despite the many propoor policies, programs, and projects instituted, the country's gains in the fight against poverty have still been modest. This No..
Policy Notes

To monitor changes in absolute poverty across time, it is crucial to ensure that the established poverty line is a fixed standard of living that repre..
Discussion Papers

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) recognize the need to understand the link between disability and poverty. In fact this has become one of the k..
Discussion Papers

One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is the elimination of gender disparity in primary and secondary education. Global initiatives toward th..
Policy Notes

The measurement of vulnerability, as in the probability that a household becomes poor, is concomitant to the analysis of poverty. To estimate househol..
Philippine Journal of Development

Can the Philippines achieve its goal on two key international commitments--the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on Education and the Education for ..
Policy Notes

The second goal of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to achieve universal primary education. The target is to reach all the MDGs by 2015. Tre..
Discussion Papers

For a national statistical system to continue to be useful and relevant to its clients and the general public, it has to occasionally undergo an exhau..
Policy Notes

A credible poverty measurement system is essential in order to develop the proper policy instruments for reducing poverty. Hence, the measurement and ..
Policy Notes

Concomitant to the analysis of poverty is the measurement of vulnerability. Estimates of household vulnerability to income poverty are developed using..
Discussion Papers

This Notes calls for the need to regularly come up with household vulnerability measurements and trends in the Philippines, in addition to official po..
Policy Notes
Showing 91-104 of 104 items.