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Showing 226-240 of 404 items.
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-e
Some industries are relatively more harmful to the environment but industrialization has been a significant factor in Cebu’s environmental degradati..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-d
Mangroves are important fish hatcheries. It prevents coastal erosion and provides timber resources. However, it limits land access to coastal and fish..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-c
Fishing should be an employment of last resort. This article argues why through analysis of water quality and fisheries in conjunction to the role of ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-b
This article surveys existing forecasting models in the Philippines and discusses several promising alternatives in the process of developing a method..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-a
This paper describes the Philippine demographic situation with a focus on the findings from the 1990 Census and the recent intercensal period (1980-19..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 1-g
Until there is a substantial degree of consensus over the strategic issues and a greater body of work on the issues of liberalization, trade liberaliz..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 1-f
The increased level of economic interaction in the Pacific Rim region has brought with it a corresponding increase in the number of potential trade di..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 1-e
As APEC provides venue for exploiting trade and investment gains in an integrated market, it allows the U.S. to strengthen its ties with the world’s..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1995
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 1-d
The discussion on Western and Eastern values has begun to take on emotional heat even in sedate conferences. Where a controversy rages, it is always u..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 1-c
Data indicate that there has been an increasing integration of world financial markets. These have raised fears that countries have become vulnerable ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 1-b
This paper identifies some of the key issues confronting the Asia-Pacific member-economies that arise from the discussions in the APEC forum. A brief ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 1-a
Part One of the Osaka Action Agenda has clarified the implications of the basic political commitment to free and open trade and investment in the Bogo..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1995
JPD 1995 Vol. XXII No. 2-d
This study examines the general equilibrium effects of different export promotion policies on imports and production of importables and exportables. U..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1995
JPD 1995 Vol. XXII No. 2-c
As suggested by vast literature, the Philippine economy has performed poorly over the last three decades due to deterioration in productivity. This pa..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1995
JPD 1995 Vol. XXII No. 2-b
Over the past three decades, the level and nature of government interventions and the relative importance of policy objectives have changed in respons..
Philippine Journal of Development

Showing 226-240 of 404 items.
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