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Showing 331-345 of 404 items.
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-h
With the objective of designing and implementing more effective policies and programs in the light of external shocks, this paper assesses the impact ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-g
The failure of the tertiary education to respond to the manpower needs of a technologically changing environment has been the concern of most social s..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-f
This article examines whether the ASEAN Preferential Trading Arrangements have increased the level of interdependence among ASEAN countries in the are..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-e
This article explores the extent of the cross-national result on the Philippine firm level through a sample survey of 100 local and foreign firms. Fin..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-d
This study presents tax policymakers with a menu of alternative tax structures for the Philippines which will yield the best combinations of efficienc..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-c
This study analyzes the effect of the interaction between domestic indirect taxes and tariff system to the market of particular goods. Computation of ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-b
This article models the small LDC bankers’ profit maximizing and decisionmaking processes in addressing policy actions. Its implications are use..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1987
JPD 1987 Vol. XIV No. 1-a
This article is a brief review of the financial position of developing countries in the international market. It offers specific policy proposal conce..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1986
JPD 1986 Vol. XIII Nos. 1&2-j
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It outlin..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1986
JPD 1986 Vol. XIII Nos. 1&2-i
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It discus..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1986
JPD 1986 Vol. XIII Nos. 1&2-h
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It consid..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1986
JPD 1986 Vol. XIII Nos. 1&2-g
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It explic..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1986
JPD 1986 Vol. XIII Nos. 1&2-f
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It develo..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1986
JPD 1986 Vol. XIII Nos. 1&2-e
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It review..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1986
JPD 1986 Vol. XIII Nos. 1&2-d
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It addres..
Philippine Journal of Development

Showing 331-345 of 404 items.
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