Hello, PIDS friends! In support of the 19th Development Policy Research Month (DPRM), which we are celebrating this September, we are featuring the #PIDSFactFridayDPRM2021Edition. Our issue for this week is on Robust and Healthy Workforce.

The labor force was hardly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. It caused massive unemployment and displaced millions of workers all over the world.

According to the International Labour Organization, 114 million jobs were lost in 2020 due to the pandemic. Of this number, 33 million people became unemployed while 81 million became inactive.

In the Philippines, the unemployment rate rose to 19.8 percent in April 2020 from only 5.1 percent in April 2019, based on data from the Philippine Statistics Authority.

The crisis has also exposed major gaps in the existing social protection systems for workers and highlighted the inequities faced by low-compensation and informal workers.

To help Filipino workers affected by the pandemic, the National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS) was adopted as the Philippine government's master plan to restore the labor market. Financial support was also provided to disadvantaged/displaced workers and Overseas Filipino Workers.

But there is more to be done. There is a need to adopt and institutionalize the Social Protection Floor, future-proof education, and continuously reskill the workforce. Closing the digital divide and addressing gender gaps at work and youth unemployment are also essential.

Browse through the slides to know more about robust and healthy workforce, which is among the topics featured in this year’s Annual Public Policy Conference (APPC), the culminating activity of the Development Policy Research Month (DPRM) celebration.

The content of this slide show was based on the DPRM/APPC concept note.

Download the complete set of slides here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=6917901098235472&id=126427974049519

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