Hello, PIDS friends! Here's our #PIDSFactFriday for the week on the data science and analytics (DSA) profession.

A PIDS study revealed the misalignment between the demand and the supply of data science and analytics (DSA) workforce in the country. There are DSA competencies sought by employers that are poorly supplied by existing DSA-related undergraduate programs. To facilitate the still-infant analytics industry's growth and maturity, there is a need to address the current lack of a standard definition of the analytics profession among stakeholders. The study also urges the promotion of government-industry-academe linkages to expand the existing market for DSA professionals.

Know more about the study titled “Assessing the Alignment of Data Science and Analytics (DSA)-Related Undergraduate Programs with the Emerging Demands for DSA Workforce” here: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidsrp2004.pdf.

Did you miss our webinar on this topic? Watch the recording here: https://www.facebook.com/PIDS.PH/videos/2578328855716611/.

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