A PIDS study found that while many local government units (LGUs) have the Local Climate Change Action Plan and the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan, these were not reflected in the Comprehensive Development Plan and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), the two planning documents that show the LGUs’ development thrusts and directions. This implies misalignment in local development planning, particularly in setting priorities and projects. Most CLUPs also did not contain inputs from climate and disaster risk assessment, which is considered the primary tool in mainstreaming climate change and disaster risk reduction initiatives into the major planning documents.
Know more about the study titled “Disaster Preparedness and Local Governance in the Philippines” here: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/.../PUBLICAT.../pidsdps1852.pdf.
Know more about the study titled “Disaster Preparedness and Local Governance in the Philippines” here: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/.../PUBLICAT.../pidsdps1852.pdf.
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