SOCIOECONOMIC Planning Secretary Ernesto M. Pernia is urging the different regions in the country to work together in identifying regional champions that can help communities prepare for the challenges and opportunities coming from the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRe).

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution is real, and it is here and now. We need to work together to overcome the challenges that this phenomenon will bring and, at the same time, create new opportunities for sustained economic prosperity. The government cannot develop a science, technology and innovation (STI) ecosystem alone. For this to work, we need a buy-in from local industries and universities,” Pernia added. 

Pernia was the keynote speaker during the policy forum entitled “Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRe): Creating Central Visayas’ Future Today” organized by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (Pids) and the National Economic and Development Authority Regional Office (Neda-NRO) 7, in collaboration with the Bohol Island State University. It was held on March 6 at the Bohol Tropics Resort in Tagbilaran City, Bohol.

Pernia also said that the stakeholders may anchor on the strategies laid out in the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 in advancing STI. Specifically, he cited the need to ensure that new knowledge translates to commercial application, and directing investments to both physical and human capital formation.

“FIRe is such a burning issue–a consuming subject–and a global phenomenon that we cannot resist... But, at the same time, it is an opportunity that we can harness to our advantage. Certainly, like the other revolutions, it will bring change, either favorable or adverse. Whatever change it will be will depend on our actions today or how we prepare for it,” Pernia said, adding that he hopes the forum would result in actionable plans and programs.

PIDS president Celia Reyes said they hope the forum highlighted the impact of technology revolution in the Philippines and how to make it grow to push for sustainable development in the country.

The Pids-Neda forum is part of a series of awareness-raising activities, policy dialogues and seminars initiated by Pids to promote deep and broad-based understanding of the socioeconomic implications of the FIRe. (PR)

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