RPS 2019-04: Senior High School and the Labor Market: Perspectives of Grade 12 Students
and Human Resource Officers

by Aniceto C. Orbeta Jr., Marites B. Lagarto, Ma. Kristina P. Ortiz, and Maropsil V. Potestad

This study assesses the likelihood of achieving the employment and entrepreneurship objectives of the program by examining the experience of Grade 12 Senior High School (SHS) graduating students and the views of firms about the labor market prospects of the SHS graduates. The study revealed that despite identifying employment and entrepreneurship as a rationale for the program, three quarters of the Grade 12 students plan to proceed to higher education. This proportion is true even for those in the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track. Among the highlights of the focus group discussion with students is the revelation that they are not very confident that they will get a job after graduating from SHS. Even those who passed the National Certification assessments still believe that the firms will prefer hiring college graduates over them. Meanwhile, most of the firms lack in-depth knowledge of the SHS program. While it may be too early to gauge the performance of the SHS program, particularly the performance of its graduates in the labor market, the study has uncovered areas for improving the implementation of the program to boost the chances of achieving its objectives, particularly the employment and entrepreneurship capabilities of SHS graduates. Click here to download the research paper.


Philippine Journal of Development (PJD) Vol. 44, No. 1
by Various Authors

This volume of the Philippine Journal of Development revisits some of the government policies specifically designed for those in the margins, namely, the farmers, rural poor, and the children. The first article tackles the varied prices of urea fertilizer across the regions of the Philippines while the second article presents the chronic food poverty in rural areas and its association with weather condition in the area. Completing this volume are studies on social protection and healthcare coverage among the Filipino children and the impact of foreign linkages on innovation activity of manufacturing firms in CALABARZON. Click here to download the publication.


DRN 2019 Vol. 37 No. 3: Corruption, IP issues beset PH mining
by PIDS Research Information Staff

Good governance and good policies work hand in hand. Lack of good governance can hinder the successful implementation of good policies while the absence of the latter can make the former ineffective and inefficient. This year’s Development Research News (DRN) features articles focusing on governance and policy issues faced by the mining, forestry, agriculture, health, and education sectors. Completing this issue are articles on poverty risk management, an infographic on valuation of women’s work in the context of the Philippines, and a piece reporting on this year’s Development Policy Research Month theme. Also in this quarter’s DRN, the PIDS conveys its deepest sympathies to the family of the late Dr. Ponciano Intal Jr., a well-loved administrator and one of the brains behind PIDS research studies on international trade, regional integration, and ASEAN. Click here to download the newsletter.

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