Target 5.5. of the UN Sustainable Development Goals seeks to achieve full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decisionmaking. In the Philippines, however, latest data show women remain sorely underrepresented in the highest positions in government.
This infographic is based on PIDS Discussion Paper No. 2017-45 titled “Sustainable Development Goal 5: How Does the Philippines Fare on Gender Equality?” written by Clarissa C. David, Jose Ramon G. Albert, and Jana Flor V. Vizmanos, PIDS Consultant, Senior Research Fellow, and Research Assistant, respectively. This publication may be downloaded here:
This infographic is based on PIDS Discussion Paper No. 2017-45 titled “Sustainable Development Goal 5: How Does the Philippines Fare on Gender Equality?” written by Clarissa C. David, Jose Ramon G. Albert, and Jana Flor V. Vizmanos, PIDS Consultant, Senior Research Fellow, and Research Assistant, respectively. This publication may be downloaded here:
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