MANILA, Philippines – A recent study of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) said that half of the jobs in Southeast Asian countries will be at high risk of being affected by automation. This is echoed by the Institute for the Future, which predicted that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. (READ: New skills needed as automation shifts job landscape – World Economic Forum)

Relevant to this discussion are the challenges and new opportunities that await job-seekers.

The future trend is forcing disruptors, innovators, and thought leaders to respond to the challenge of equipping young Filipinos with the correct skills fit for the jobs of the future. This environment is also opening up new opportunities to harness one's creative imagination for job creation and innovation. (READ: #ThinkPH 2018: Dear future self, this is what you should do today)

What can be done to future-proof the young generation?

Beyond the challenge of building a creative economy, what do these forecasts mean for the sustainable development goal to leave no one behind? (READ: Unlocking the creative potential in young Filipinos)

To better understand these issues, Gemma Mendoza, head of Rappler's research and content strategy, speaks to Andrew Parker, the economic adviser of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Jose Ramon “Toots” Albert, PhD, a Senior Research Fellow at the PIDS, on Tuesday, September 25.

The panelists will also discuss how we can pursue digitally-enhanced social enterprise-driven innovation – the theme of this year's #HackSociety.

#HackSociety, an ideathon organized by Rappler in partnership with the Youth Co:Lab initiative of the UNDP, aims to crowdsource "hacks" that would make our society more inclusive and humane. Through #HackSociety, we hope to encourage responsible and technology-driven enterprise and innovation among the youth, one that is grounded on a clear understanding of social realities.

Here are this year's 5 key areas and problem statements:

Media and democracy: How can we fight the spread of disinformation and hate in digital platforms? How can we help the youth tap into the power of digital technologies while alerting and educating them about its risks and dangers?

Peace: What type of livelihood can reintegrate combatants and how can this be done? How can we help disengage those on pathways to extremism or radicalization?

Governance and local development: How can communities manage change, digitize, and deliver effective services?

Environment and climate change: How can communities effectively beat plastic pollution?

Public health and well-being: How can communities bring down maternal mortality? How can communities help make roads safer? –

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