Eighty (80) attendees from 28 various partner-institutions of the SocioEconomic Research Portal for the Philippines (SERP-P) Network convened on December 6 at Lime Hotel and Resort, Pasay City, to explore innovative approaches to research dissemination in today’s fast-paced digital world. The symposium featured insightful discussions with leading communications experts and practitioners:
-Luigi Conti, Communications and Advocacy Head, EDCOM 2 - The Second Congressional Commission on Education
-Ingrid Espinosa, Science Communicator and Lecturer, Ateneo de Manila University
-Gaby Baizas, Digital Forensics Researcher, Rappler
A collaborative workshop was held in the afternoon, providing a platform for the partner-institutions to exchange ideas on how to make socioeconomic research more accessible to the public and impactful for evidence-based decisionmaking.
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