More than 500 former and retired officials and employees of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and its attached agencies endorsed Vice President Leni Robredo for her “inclusive” and “clear platform” on social and economic issues.

The statement was released on Wednesday, March 2, from the former and retired officials and employees of NEDA and its attached agencies—Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM), National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), and Philippine Statistical Authority (PSA), formerly National Statistics Office (NSO).

“We believe that VP Robredo is the only candidate with a clear platform for inclusive and empowered citizenry to reduce poverty, improve access to and effective delivery of services, transparent public financial management and good governance,” the statement read.

Describing themselves as “advocates of inclusive and resilient development,” the country’s leading economic development officers lauded the Vice President for demonstrating “honest, decent, and competent leadership” even before she announced her intention to run as president.

“Her grassroots advocacies, transparent governance, and efficient response to the pandemic, profile a courageous, and compassionate leader that Filipinos deserve,” the statement added.

This is not the first time economists endorsed Robredo. In February, over 160 economists, including five ex-NEDA chiefs, backed her presidential bid.

Among them was Ernesto Pernia, who served as NEDA chief under the Duterte administration until his resignation in April 2020 because of differences in “philosophy” with other Cabinet members.

Earlier, ex-Cabinet officials of former President Fidel Ramos and the late former President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, leading economists, former officers, staff, and technical advisers of the United Nations system in the country, and ex-secretaries of the Department Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) also endorsed Robredo’s candidacy.

Despite being instrumental in bringing about the Uniteam tandem of Marcos and Duterte, 47 ex-Arroyo Cabinet members also backed Robredo’s bid.

The past presidents of the Philippine Bar Association (PBA) from 1994 to 2020 and the Vincentian Family in the Philippines, comprised of religious and lay organizations, endorsed her as well.

And for the first time, over 400 faculty members from the University of Santo Tomas (UST) endorsed a presidential candidate. Couples for Christ International also earlier expressed their “support” for Robredo, though stressing that members are free to choose who they want to vote for.

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