SENATOR Win Gatchalian called on the Commission on Higher Education to fast-track the reimbursement of tuition and miscellaneous fees of students in state and local colleges and universities.

These institutions provide free college education under Republic Act 10931 or the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act.

The senator said that these educational institutions can use the funds for their operations.

CHED reported that 80 percent of the 215 public higher education institutions have been fully paid. However, Gatchalian cited a discussion paper by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies emphasizing that failure to reimburse these fees would result in the schools’ absorption of deficiencies and the passing of costs to students.

There are 1.3 million beneficiaries of the Free College Education Law and 500,000 beneficiaries of the Tertiary Education Subsidy.

The TES provides additional funding for education-related costs such as books, transportation, board and lodging, and allowances.

There are 12 State Universities and Colleges and Local Universities and Colleges that have yet to be reimbursed because of compliance issues.

These schools have to submit their billing and other documentary requirements to CHED before they can get their reimbursements.

“We really need to finalize and fix this because it cannot be a recurring problem every year. The funds are badly needed by the SUCs and LUCs as we all know,” Gatchalian said.

“It can be done, I believe that technology can solve this problem but we have to act fast,” he added.

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