The Peso/Dollar exchange rate for the month of March averaged at P54.591, higher than February’s P54.075. The end-of-period rate of P53.532/US dollar was however lower than that of the previous month’s P54.34.

On the other hand, the 91-day Treasury bill rate went up to 6.167 in March from 5.672 in February.

The money supply for the month of February is at P442.3 Billion while domestic liquidity is at P1, 625.741 Billion.

The National Government’s deficit for the month of February was P17.6 Billion bringing the NG’s total deficit to P31.5 Billion for 2003. This is lower compared to its deficit during the same period of last year, which was around P36 Billion.

The volume of production index for the manufacturing sector in January 2003 was 107.5, higher than that of January of last year with only 102.3.

The value of production index on the other hand was at 196.7, also way higher than that of January 2002 with only 169.2.

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