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Showing 1,936-1,950 of 2,993 items.
Jun 01, 2001
DP 2001-06
Early studies on the groundwater supply of Metro Manila have indicated inefficient resource use that could lead to the eventual decline in the ground..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2001
DP 2001-05
This paper describes the methodologies adopted and the results obtained in assessing the groundwater resources of Metro Manila and Metro Cebu. Also s..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2001
DP 2001-04
Agencies tasked to carry out a social agenda have distinct experience in the utilization of available resources. The issues that confront the DOH in t..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2001
DP 2001-03
Dollarization denotes the use of a foreign currency in any of its three functions: unit of account, means of exchange and store of value. In terms of ..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2001
DP 2001-02
The paper presents an updated TFP estimates in the Philippines. The present estimates were derived using a modified set of methodologies, thus may not..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2001
DP 2001-01
The strong recovery of the five crisis-affected countries of East Asia between 1999 and 2000 has revived the debate on the causes of the 1997 financia..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-20
Access to basic education has greatly broadened in the past two decades as enrolment growth in both the elementary and secondary school systems outpac..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-17
In order to encourage private sector participation in infrastructure development, the government provided guarantees to a number of infrastructure pro..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-14
Years of government protection, regulation and promotion through high tariffs, local content scheme and import restrictions have made the Philippine a..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-13
The Philippine cement industry was liberalized and deregulated in the late 1980s. This development subsequently shed off the industry's cartel image i..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-12
With the continuing and seemingly unabated increase in the prices of oil and oil products, the clamor for government to do something to alleviate the ..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-11
Have the reforms in the country's tax structure through the years helped in improving taxpayer compliance? What has been the trend in tax evasion in r..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-10
There seems to be no stopping the increase of the prices of oil products. With this certainty already considered a given, can something be done to min..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-09
Water is a critical commodity for human survival and a scarce resource that must be appropriately priced to ensure that it is not wastefully and unsui..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2000
PN 2000-08
Through the years, savings and credit cooperatives (SCCs) have proven to be effective in mobilizing millions of peso deposits from thousands of member..
Policy Notes

Showing 1,936-1,950 of 2,993 items.
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