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Showing 1,966-1,980 of 3,001 items.
Jun 01, 2000
PASCN DP 2000-14
The Philippine downstream petroleum industry underwent monumental change with the passage of RA 8180, the original Downstream Oil Industry Deregulatio..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2000
PASCN DP 2000-13
Competition policy is integral to the process of liberalization of international trade regime and deregulation in domestic markets. This paper shows t..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 2-e
This paper explains why currency movements and trade volumes, while theoretically related, have minimal effect on each other, in practice. In addition..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 2-d
This study takes off from an earlier inquiry on the effects of Home Consumption Value (HCV) valuation. It is intended to assist policymakers in examin..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 2-c
Access to energy is a means to achieve economic development. Both environmental concerns and the global privatization trends have fueled the worldwide..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 2-b
This paper investigates the issue of underutilization of Philippine regional fishing ports using secondary data from institutional resources and inter..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 2-a
This paper examines the competitiveness of the Philippine information technology (IT) industry vis-à-vis its emerging competitors and neighboring cou..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 1-d
Serious attention has always been bestowed on the stability of food markets. The government has acted on these issues through intervention on food pri..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 1-c
Contrary to the commonly held notion that the market power exercised by a handful of unscrupulous traders in the local market has resulted unnecessary..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
JPD 2000 Vol. XXVII No. 1-b
This article analyzes how a credit guarantee confers private benefits to creditors and proposes reform policies and related assessment measures in ord..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 2000
EID 2000 Vol. 1 No.4
The Philippine entry to GATT has paved the way for trade reforms such as removal of trade restrictions. At the early stage of implementation, adjustme..
Economic Issue of the Day
Jun 01, 2000
EID 2000 Vol. 1 No.3
The Philippine entry to GATT has paved the way for trade reforms such as removal of trade restrictions. At the early stage of implementation, adjustme..
Economic Issue of the Day
Jun 01, 2000
EID 2000 Vol. 1 No.2
No thanks to deregulation. While there has been increasing players in the oil industry, prices of petroleum products continue to increase. Who is the ..
Economic Issue of the Day
Jun 01, 2000
EID 2000 Vol. 1 No.1
For them to afford a better quality of life, one of the common wishes of Filipino households nowadays is the alleviation of increasing price level. Th..
Economic Issue of the Day
Jun 01, 2000
DRN 2000 Vol. XVIII No. 6-d
Development Research News

Showing 1,966-1,980 of 3,001 items.
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