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Showing 2,056-2,070 of 3,001 items.
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-06
Alongside with the poverty alleviation program is the effort to make credit accessible to small and poor households. Despite the government’s effort..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-05
Analysis of the Philippine Fisheries Code results to the findings that some provisions promote sustainable development while others are contentious. T..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-04
With the demand for urban services and facilities, in particular urban infrastructure, continuing to increase through the years, how can the governmen..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-03
Investigation whether small-scale borrowings are effective or not indicate the failure of loan guarantees to stimulate the target groups. While it has..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-02
While urbanization has several advantages, there are also certain problems associated with it. This issue takes a brief look at the urban fiscal gap p..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-01
Decentralization of national responsibilities to local government units has been seen as a means to ensure that services reach out the grassroots leve..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No.2-d
Governance is a complex concept. It includes the state’s institutions and structures, its decisionmaking process, its capacity to implement guid..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No.2-c
This paper looks at the contagion effects of the Asian crisis on the Philippine economy, the policy responses, and their social implications. In parti..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No.2-b
Based on the chain of causality, R&D translates to innovation and to productivity/ technological progress, which ultimately leads to economic growth a..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No.2-a
Over the past two decades, the Philippine economic growth has been erratic and lower than most developing countries in Asia. The agriculture sector ha..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No. 1-i
Among the components in the inventory of greenhouse gas sources and sinks, forestry and land use are the most complex. This paper summarizes the neces..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No. 1-h
This paper presents an effort toward a better understanding of the potential impact of climate variability and change on the hydrology and water resou..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No. 1-g
Well-defined property rights recognize the ownership of material and abstract things. The low enforcement of property rights for a certain resource ma..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No. 1-f
While most government efforts are directed toward watershed conservation, its management has remained challenging and complex. This short article argu..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No. 1-e
Watershed conservation has always been the people’s cry. However, efforts in the past have not been enough to demonstrate this. This paper attempts ..
Philippine Journal of Development

Showing 2,056-2,070 of 3,001 items.
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