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Showing 2,206-2,220 of 2,993 items.
Jun 01, 1997
PN 1997-03
If overfishing in marine fisheries is not arrested, the sector may experience unprecedented collapse. This issue attempts to analyze the implications ..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1997
PN 1997-02
Environmentally preferable products (EPPs) are desirable because these do not leave adverse impacts on the environment and natural resources. While se..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1997
PN 1997-01
This note presents a framework for agroindustrial restructuring for international competitiveness of the Philippine economy. It situates the agroindus..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.2-d
Credit provision for small and poor households has always been the major element of nongovernment organizations in alleviating poverty. Recently, ther..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.2-c
Existing official poverty statistics cannot be directly utilized for cross-country comparison. This paper illustrates why. It presents an assessment o..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.2-b
This paper examines the Community-Based Forest Management Program (CBFM) and Industrial Forest Management Agreements (IFMA) within the context of effi..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.2-a
The GATT/WTO may affect the Philippine economy in three ways: through changes in tariff structure resulting from the country’s commitment in the Uru..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.1-e
Due to the increase in prices of basic agricultural commodities in 1995, food price stability and food security have again emerged as a major policy c..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.1-c
Contrary to earlier findings, tariffs in most favored nations have significantly declined by as much as 51 percent since 1986. Nevertheless, the obdur..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.1-b
Using a three-gap model, it can be shown that a reduction in the tariff level will lead to an unambiguous decline in the GDP growth rate if it results..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
JPD 1997 Vol. XXIV No.1-a
Despite the government’s credit program approach, access of poor households to microfinancial services has remained limited. This paper explains the..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1997
DRN 1997 Vol. XV No. 6-e
The success of health care financing programs depend greatly on the participation of the local government. Faced with insufficient budget for health ..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 1997
DRN 1997 Vol. XV No. 6-d
The sustainability of health care financing schemes have been a continuous concern of the DOH. This article deals with how to ensure the viability an..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 1997
DRN 1997 Vol. XV No. 6-c
Provision of good health to the citizenry cannot be done alone by the DOH. Collective efforts of the public, private and community sectors is needed t..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 1997
DRN 1997 Vol. XV No. 6-b
The study takes a look on the various fund-raising means to finance health care and the reasons that the schemes failed. To ensure sustainability of ..
Development Research News

Showing 2,206-2,220 of 2,993 items.
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